Monday, November 21, 2016

My Dreams #1 - 20/11/16

I keep telling Adam about my dreams & he says I should write them down, so here's last night's.
I'm driving along in my truck with Choccie, my dog, in the cabin with me doing her best to sing along to the music. I'm not sure who's singing is worse, mine or hers.
Suddenly a car appears from over the hill on my side of the road, going far too fast for me to stop before we collide. There's loud noise then nothing.
When I open my eyes lots of emergency services staff are milling around. Someone in high vis brings Adam over to me in the back of what I determine to be a police car. I'm really, REALLY excited & pleased to see him so jump up & hug him & give him kisses. For a second I feel like he seems bigger, everyone seems big & intimidating...& louder, like I can hear EVERYTHING. The thought is interrupted when I overhear a paramedic saying "we need to get her to hospital right now if she's going to pull through". The comment seems odd because I feel fine other than being a bit achy & bruised & I was sure the person in the car that hit me was a man.
Adam puts me in his car & drives us away, all the time in tears telling me she's going to be ok & we'll see her soon. It hits me that Choccie isnt there & I feel hugely anxious, realising the paramedic must have been talking about her. We pull up at the hospital & I wonder why we're here when my poor pooch is fighting for her life, I don't need any silly tests, I need to be with her!
Adam pulls me out of the car & we run over to the ambulance that got there seconds before us, we reach it just as the trolley has been pulled out & we follow it into the hospital. It's a huge place, bigger than any hospital I've been to, & the smell is totally overpowering, making me feel sick.  A doctor shouts at Adam, telling him he has to get the dog out now! I'm confused, what dog? She's not with us. Adam explains to the doctor that I'll want to see her but the doctor is having none of it. Where's my dog? Why have I not seen her yet? A flustered Adam takes a look back towards the trolley, which I copy as he shuffles me back outside. 
I'm sure that was ME on the trolley, I realise as shock & confusion hit me once again. Adam ties me to a post outside & scratches me roughly behind the ears. "Sorry Choccie, you can't see Donna in there, they won't let you in. She's gonna be fine, you'll see." With a pat on the back he tells me to be a good girl & dashes back into the hospital.

Sunday, September 22, 2013

First Page - Best Handwriting

Well hello there.  Welcome to my blog...come on in, take a seat, can I get you a cuppa?

Oh how rude, I didn't introduce myself.  I'm Donna, aka Miss Red and this is my little piece of the internet.

Where to start...where to start...
I love all things creative, I make corsets, I make my own wine, bread, I play several instruments, I bake, I sew, I write, I draw, I model with polymer clay,  I cross stitch, I make jewellery...well you get the idea.  Basically the saying about a kid in a sweet shop, well that's me in a craft store!  Whilst doing all these lovely things I also fight a battle against chronic illness.

I was diagnosed with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis (try saying that after a drink or two!) a loooong time ago during my time at university training to be a primary teacher.  The condition has no cure, most people don’t really know what it is or the major impact it has on sufferers, and the medical profession, whilst improving, can do very little to make life easier.

Skip to the present, past the many years of struggling to build a teaching career in the worst profession for people expecting 150% every day and here I am.  I’m finally getting some help with my condition, and more importantly learning to accept that it’s part of who I am now.  The complete unpredictability means some days I can do most things anyone else can do, others I can’t even lift my own toothbrush…and you know what, that’s fine.

Of course there are people that disagree that it’s fine, people that can potentially have a great impact on my life.  I’m one of the many people in the UK in the position of employers in a broken economy steering clear for fear of an employee who may get hired only to have 3 months a year off sick whilst the benefit system deem me fit for work because some days I can make it the 5 steps across the landing to the toilet without help.

That brings me to why I’m here, babbling on at you from the comfort of my own shiny new website.  The aim here is to turn my passion for creativity into a means of becoming my own boss, working when I’m able (not that it feels like work), and allowing myself to just rest and recover rather than push myself beyond my limits out of fear of being fired.

If you’ve had a look at the website you can see it’s not finished yet and there’s not much there so far.  There might be lots more soon, it might take little bit longer, but you can guarantee that whilst I’m going to try to be gentle on myself throughout this process there will in time be some awesome goodies that I’ve poured my heart and soul into – and all for you lovely people to rehome.

So, thanks for reading my (more long-winded than anticipated) first blog post.  If you’ve not already checked out the rest of the site then what’re you waiting for, off you pop, go take a look!

Miss Red x

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Monday, January 7, 2013

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Friday, December 28, 2012

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Monday, December 10, 2012

Monday, November 5, 2012

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Monday, September 24, 2012

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Friday, July 27, 2012

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Monday, July 23, 2012

Friday, July 20, 2012

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Thursday, June 21, 2012

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Saturday, June 16, 2012